In light of recent remarks by the National Security Minister Peter Bunting, the NDM has issued the following release:
The NDM would like answers to the following simple questions:
Is National Security Minister Bunting suffering a meltdown or mental fatigue? His wild, angry, emotional outburst over the weekend, as he lashed out at the Opposition Spokesman for his ministry, would suggest that all may not be well with him. Or is his tasteless, inappropriate rant and rave mere arrogance as is typical of the ‘duty politricks’ normally used by desperate tribal gang members?
Is he overwhelmed by the rigor, stress and challenges involved in running such a serious portfolio? Is shooting the messenger a good strategy at crime-fighting or should he and his administration focus on solutions to the country’s spiralling crime problem, particularly on the heel of recent reports that Jamaica was ranked 3rd most murderous country in the world for 2014 and another report that a member of the PNP affiliated ‘Klansman’ gang ended up as a part of the Party President & Prime Minister of Jamaica’s security detail (at her residence)? It is alleged that his is involved in gun running and trading.
Is Mr. Bunting’s substantive role and function as a servant for the Jamaican people his first duty and priority? Or is it about mud-slinging and fighting the “duty politics” carried by ‘hostile tribes perpetually at war’ to keep his party in power at all cost – even the cost of the lives of the hundreds of poor citizens of Jamaica who are the real victims of this old, violent, corrupt political system of which he is or has a big part in?
The NDM President reiterated three (3) NDM core policy positions [1] We propose constitutional changes which would result in the “Best minds forming the Cabinet” (The Executive arm of government and not mere politicians and party stalwarts who are not technically competent to handle complex matters and the proper running of the substantive ministerial portfolio.) [2] We call for the renaming of the Jamaica Constabulary Force to Jamaica Constabulary Service
[3] The Commissioner of Police should Report to a special committee of Parliament instead of the Minister appointed by any politician.
Peter Townsend
318 4802